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Bukit Larut was formerly called Maxwell Hill. It is the oldest hill station in Malaysia which was founded back in 1884. It is situated about 10 kilometers from the quiet town of Taiping, north of Perak. Bukit Larut is about 1250 meters above sea level and is located at the wettest part of the country. Bukit Larut is not as developed as hill resorts like the Cameron Highlands or Genting Highlands but it is still able to preserve much of the ambience of a colonial hill station with cozy bungalows, well-maintained gardens and a cool climate. To reach the hill, one needs to get on a four-wheeled drive jeep. Private vehicles are not allowed up the hill thus the resort authority will arrange transport up to the hill.


The road up the Bukit Larut is a narrow and winding one. The road goes through tropical virgin jungle thus you will be freshen up by the fresh smell of greens and cool breeze blowing against your face. Midway up to the top of the hill is the Tea Garden House. It was once a tea estate. The view at this part of the hill is simply magnificent as you can see the whole Taiping as well as the Lake Gardens in Taiping.
At the top of the hill, you can see the West Coast of the peninsula. On a less cloudy day, you can even see the coastline all the way from Pangkor Island to Penang. Many visitors are also tempted to climb to the Cottage which also happens to be the only way to the top. The hill is full of lush greenery and flamboyantly colored flora and fauna. The cool climate on the hill also favors the golden sunflowers as the golden sunflowers here are claimed to be the largest variety in the whole of Malaysia. There is also a waterfall for photo-taking as well as to relax.
Other activities here include bird-watching. The best site for bird-watching would be at the Gunung Hijau Trail which is a winding pathway up to the summit of Gunung Hijau. The well protected woods here are also the home to many small creatures like gibbons and squirrels. You can also embark on jungle trekking while being here.

太平拉律山(Bukit Larut),前称咖啡山高1250公尺,是太平的名胜地之一,也是马来西亚最早期的渡假高原。在1884年被开发。这里曾经是茶园和咖啡园。在半山腰, 仍保留着一座茶园屋(Tea Garden House)。在山顶上可看到西部海岸线,晴天时,还可看见Pangkor Island & Penang。太平山上的另一个顶峰(绿山峰)(Gunung Hijau)是一个理想的观鸟区。太平山上有个网球场,挥棒于云间,神仙也不过如此。太平山如今成为市民登山休闲运动的最佳地点之一。每年12月至2月期间是太平拉律山的郁金香盛放季节,旅客上山一睹风彩。拉律山有蜿蜒曲折的登山柏油路,全长6公里。此外,也有陡斜的登山捷径,大部分登山客都会选择从柏油路上山。如果是选择捷径登山,先得衡量自己的体力能否负荷。太平拉律山仍保留原来的风味,没大事开发,只有小旅舍与小别墅。若想在山上小宿,得提早订房。山上只靠当局的轮驱动车。旅客的车一律停放在山下。 

