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霹雳洞(Perak Tong)

History of Perak Tong

The Sam Poh Tong (Chinese: 三寶洞; Tibetan: ཟཨམ། ཕོཧ་ ཐོང༌།; Cavern of Three Precious) is a Chinese Buddhist temple built within a limestone cave and is the oldest and most famous cave temples in PerakMalaysia. Sam Poh Tong Cave Temple built in raw limestone cave in the mountains which is located about 5 km from Ipoh. The temple facade dates back to the 1950s and a stiff climb of 246 steps will lead you to an open cave with an excellent view of Ipoh and its surroundings. Till today, nuns and monks who dedicate their lives to Buddha still occupy the Sam Poh Tong.[1]
It is the largest cave temple in Malaysia and contains art work such as a reclining Buddha figure. The temple also offers visitors the opportunity to release turtles into its turtle pond as a means of balancing one's karma.

 I was instantly transformed into a cave paradise. I saw huge statues of gold coloured Four Heavenly Kings at entrance of the cave. The cave wall was beautifully painted with more than 20 large-sized pictures depicting Buddha, Gods and deities from China famous artist in 1929. The cave paintings were AWESOME & AMAZING!!! Spent your time to observing these fine pieces of cave art, see how great is their painting. Every cave painting is unique and painted by different artist.

This time I came to Perak Tong for 1 reason, is to explore the painting again after I know the painting are painted from many famous artist from China. Include Lee Qi Mao李奇茂,锺正山,叶醉白,陶寿伯,陈六林,锺正川,薛慧山,邢宝莊,Ma Bai Shui马白水,林耀,陈伟烈,容漱石,周世聪,赵松筠,刘春草,郑浩千,张韵山,黄明宗,苑润兰,田曼诗,沈雁,孙以仁,李香君,张恒,冯壁池,顾媚,汤琼音,张耐冬,黄乃群,莊一村,侯一新等。 

But, I spent more than three hours ascending and descending Perak Tong the Cave Temple. I'm a humanist and nonbeliever....but this trip to Perak Tong really enlightens me. The rituals, the paintings, the cave and the horizon were MAGICAL and MYTHICAL.

Although I came to Perak Tong for many time. This time I got to give myself a period to silent myself, sitting alone in a cave for more free up my thinking, my worry, my job. The first hour you will feel very uncomfortable, you will have many though coming in to your mind, many image or picture pass through your though. The more longer time you sitting down here, the more though and worry you have, I just let all the though go through. Close my eye, keep calm down my heard and though, take a deep breath. After that, you find how wonder and how peaceful in your mind and that really how it bring you a magically transform in your spirit. You will have a new though a very different kind of feeling. That really make you really peaceful.

霹雳洞(Perak Tong)位于马来西亚怡保市北。洞依山而建,是一个长122米左右的石灰岩溶洞。于民国十五年(一九二六)由张仙如居士与夫人钟真玉女士开创,居士原籍中国广东省蕉岭县,壮岁南来,献身于佛教事业,抱着荜路蓝褛以启山林之精神,开闢洞天,深得社会人士之信任支持历五十春秋,完成慧业。居士于民国六十九年(一九八○)辞世,由其哲嗣青年诗人兼书法家张英傑居士继任主持,张韵山画家为司理,继承遗志,将霹雳洞发扬光大,成为更具中华文化艺术之佛教胜地。
霹雳洞(Perak Tong)位于怡保市北。洞依山而建,是一个长122米左右的石灰岩溶洞。



此外,洞前右畔为「仙如纪念馆」,纪念已故开山主持张仙如居士,此馆堂皇壮丽,古色古香,分上下二层,楼上塑仙如居士坐像,左右悬掛一联,由其哲嗣张英傑居士所撰;仙境闢名山,经五十春秋,功垂南国 。如来传妙法,离叁千世界,果證四方。四议悬掛由名家所书仙如居士遗诗,其诗才超然绝俗,饶有禅味,並已出版其遗着:如玉楼诗存传世。馆中並供海内外名家展览书画等,将中华文化艺术推介予国际人士。

